100 Ways to Write a Book
I was delighted to take part in this project, initiated by Alex Pearl, all proceeds from which will go to PEN International.
An interesting conversation with Bryan Collins, focusing on the process of writing a series of books
Reading and Writing Podcast – Jeff Rutherford
This was a nice interview, and I even got to read from ‘On the Edge of Wild Water’. The episode is dated 25 November 2021 – I’m afraid it’s necessary to scroll down the list for this one!
Episode 538 – Reading and Writing Podcast
A very nice interview with Victoria Bennion, podcaster and agent
Interview with author, Alex Pearl
A really lovely interview with author Alex Pearl which is featured on his website and will also eventually be included in a book of over a hundred author interviews. Thank you, Alex.
The Spirit of Place with James Morgan-Jones
Mysterious Goings On… It was great to chat with the very genial Alex Greenwood about books, the writing process, the power of place and more…
The Spirit of Place with James Morgan-Jones : Mysterious Goings On
Calling All Creatures Presents James Morgan-Jones
This was a good, chatty interview with Matthew Harms of Penpodcast. It’s another one you’ll just need to scroll down the list to find – it’s number 147.
Listen to Podcast – PenPodcast.com
Catmaste Chronicles Podcast
A nice overview of my work, taking in the cats in my life along the way!
Friday Night Drinks
A relaxed, magazine-style interview.
World Poetry Day
Listen to the interview which James gave to celebrate World Poetry Day.
This was a very nice interview with Michael Anthony Ingram on his show, Quintessential Listening: Poetry. It includes some readings of my poetry.